Tuesday 29 November 2016


The shag bird eats fish

The live near lakes and rivers

They can stay underwater for more than 11 minute

Cormorants build nests on rocky crags to protect their babies

Their are so many cormorants nest in one place their poop can stain rocks or and kill trees

Cormorant on a Rock Image - Science for Kids All About Cormorants

Thursday 25 August 2016



The heat starts off. the wave pool starts pumping perfect lefts and perfect rights. I jump on my board and race out the back here comes a left hander so i paddle for it i catch it then pull straight into the tube and get a long 15 second barrel the do a 360 out of the wave.  Then paddle out the back and see my opponent John  John  Florence do a 1080  and land straight in the tube then. I see a 10 footer wave coming my way so i padel for it with only 10 seconds to go a drop in late and do a floater of the lip then go into a barrel and come out fast as the spit gives me a boost the i do a 360 carve on the lip and end my wave with a sushi roll then the heat stops. And the judges  give me a 10 yes i won

The end.

Thursday 19 May 2016

     Ode to my tongue
            Oh thank you mighty tongue,
you take on the toughest taste and the sweetest.

You're rough but helpful  you look a bit weird too but that won't stop me from loving you,oh thank you are one of the legends in my body

Thursday 5 May 2016

electronics - tecnoligey

my learning journey began today. I found that the get ready get thru web site says that we need a torch with spare batteries in our emergency kit I am going to design and make a torch ready for an emergency

Wednesday 13 April 2016

I was climbing trees and making  swings at Guthrie park when suddenly the branch I was testing broke and I fell 2-3 meters down on the ground. Thump I hit the ground hard right on my face and wrist.

My friend Henry  ran to get help straight away. A while later the ambulance came and put me on  stretcher. After giving me several whiffs of gas I heard the ambulance sirens go weeee woooo weeee woooooo as they speed to the hospital. It seemed to take forever to get to Hastings from Havelock. When we got to the hospital they took me into the hospital. They put me onto a bed and wrapped a towel around my arm  and then they put me to sleep. While they put my arm back into place  I was sleeping and saw poo on the ceiling and I was saying Mountain Dew and Hells pizza.

When I woke up I felt dizzy and smashed up. It took  a while to get better from all the gas I had. When I wasn't floating off  I could see my cast. It was white and heavy.  A while later I was vomiting from all the dizziness. Later on that night at nine I had to go to bed. I could not be bothered putting on my pyjamas so just jumped into bed and went to sleep.

Monday 7 March 2016

  • Haumoana beach
smells like dead fish.
You can feel the sea spray coming off the the waves.
Haumoana like that.

Looks like a curved dorito but bigger and green.
And if you look close enough you can see a rip coming out of the tuki tuki river sometimes there is a log that floats on the rip

Haumoana is like that.

 feels smooth and cold like salt that's been in an iceberg for 2 weeks
Haumoana is like that.

Friday 4 March 2016

19th Feb
where is ms smith i think that she got wasted last night at party naaaaa she's having a holiday in portugal getting a tan on her back and playing an ipod and she's going to have portugal mcdonalds for lunch yuuuum106243846_260bbfaff7_b.jpg

Friday 26 February 2016

add detail to describe the setting
Whirling winds blow around the desert roads. Tumbleweeds rolling around.The roads blank and ripped apart with jagged concrete . the sky is grey and full of smoke sand dunes everywhere.

Thursday 18 February 2016


my dad is a wise wizard and he is wickedly wonderful and he is as fit as a fox + he is an awesome athlete and eats a lot of food because he is a hungry hippopotamus my dad is a beasssssssstttttttttt.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

im going to stop sleeping in and wake up early

im going to keep getting fit  and being awsome                           

im going to start being a leader